I want to provide a little experience in estimating musical energy. I’ve given a taste of this sort of experience in my first SoundPost, and referenced the theory behind it in a couple of essays as well. The study here is very similar to something I’m carrying around to schools, where participants have the advantage… Continue reading SEAstudy
Category: SEA
Here you will find essays that deal with aspects of Sound-Energy Aggregate theory.
Krishnamurti, SEA, Analysis
I have come across some quotes by J. Krishnamurti, on the subjects of listening and analysis. The thoughts push me to come up with a new word for the sort of holistic musical analysis enacted by my workshop, Just Listening, which I call by the rather technical name, the Sound-Energy Aggregate (SEA). I invite you… Continue reading Krishnamurti, SEA, Analysis
The Obvious
I have a saying that I inflict upon my students, mostly directed towards musical analysis, but widely applicable: “The obvious is in control… expose it!” The statement points toward a lot of important realities, and is at the very foundation of my workshop, Just Listening, which is in turn founded upon principles embedded in an… Continue reading The Obvious
the way we feel
What makes us feel the way we feel when we listen to music, or think what we think as a result of listening to music? It’s a longstanding question that has spawned all sorts of inquiries and theories. Much focus is on pitches — melody, harmony, and all related issues — and for good reason. … Continue reading the way we feel