
I want to provide a little experience in estimating musical energy. I’ve given a taste of this sort of experience in my first SoundPost, and referenced the theory behind it in a couple of essays as well. The study here is very similar to something I’m carrying around to schools, where participants have the advantage… Continue reading SEAstudy

Krishnamurti, SEA, Analysis

I have come across some quotes by J. Krishnamurti, on the subjects of listening and analysis. The thoughts push me to come up with a new word for the sort of holistic musical analysis enacted by my workshop, Just Listening, which I call by the rather technical name, the Sound-Energy Aggregate (SEA). I invite you… Continue reading Krishnamurti, SEA, Analysis

The Obvious

I have a saying that I inflict upon my students, mostly directed towards musical analysis, but widely applicable: “The obvious is in control… expose it!” The statement points toward a lot of important realities, and is at the very foundation of my workshop, Just Listening, which is in turn founded upon principles embedded in an… Continue reading The Obvious