My stove is teaching me lessons

It may seem strange, in a blog about music and contemplation, that I’d make such a statement as “my stove is teaching me lessons”… read on to find out why!  We moved over the summer of 2021, to a house with no fireplace. We knew it meant we’d have a wood stove installed, and now… Continue reading My stove is teaching me lessons

Sounds that make me move my mouth

I’m very interested in the way sound affects us, especially in music.  One way that sounds affect me is that I tend to move in relation to certain ones, especially those sounds that are filtered and in the vocal range.  I wonder how many of you might share this reaction, so I want to take… Continue reading Sounds that make me move my mouth

Beginner’s Mind

Beginner’s Mind is a term widely known in the general population, but how much do we understand this phenomenon?  My workshop, Just Listening, aims to provide a glimpse of beginner’s mind by engaging with new music, and it’s something I’ve thought a lot about. Here is a set of my thoughts on the topic, with… Continue reading Beginner’s Mind